MEARS, Mich. (March 8, 2021) — Vehicle registration is now open for the 5th Anniversary Silver Lake Sand Dunes Jeep Invasion, which has a new location this year, in downtown Mears, Michigan, at Golden Township Park, June 4-6. Early Bird Registration is $25, through March 31 and includes: Wristbands for all 3-days for up to 4 people age 13+ (kids 12 and under are free), Entry into the Jeep Invasion Park, Dash Plaque, Pro Show-N-Shine Judging and an Event Swag Bag (1 per Jeep).
Over 1,000 Jeep vehicles are expected at the 5th Anniversary Silver Lake Sand Dunes Jeep Invasion, with a weekend full of Trail Rides, Racing Activities, Live Music, Off-Road Exhibitors at the Performance Marketplace, Awards and more family fun.
Now in its fifth year, the Silver Lake Sand Dunes Jeep Invasion continues to unite Jeep vehicle owners and enthusiasts as they share their passion for their vehicles and the Jeep-centric lifestyle.
2021 Event Registration Fees
$25- Early Bird (Valid Through March 31, 2021)
$30- Pre-Registration (Valid through June 2, 2021)
$40- Late & Onsite Registration (June 3 through the weekend of the event)
For a full schedule of events, activities, event locations and to register as a participant, visit slsdjeepinvasion.com. Also follow along on Facebook and Instagram @SLSDjeepinvasion.